MOBOT® eduRunner MW - a new solution for learning mobile robotics

The WObit offer includes a new educational platform intended for classes in the field of mobile robotics. MOBOT® eduRunner MW  offers new, wide development opportunities for technical schools and universities dealing with automation, robotics and mechatronics.

With the new robot, WObit consistently carries out its mission " we move the imagination" -stworzoną przez Witolda Obera, założyciela firmy. WObit od wielu lat upowszechnia robotykę wśród szerokiego grona dzieci, młodzieży i dorosłych, a także pokazuje możliwości, jakie ona daje. Tworząc i dostarczając roboty mobilne, takie jak nowy MOBOT® eduRunner MW, WObit udostępnia innowacyjne narzędzia do efektywnego nauczania w takich dziedzinach jak robotyka, sterowanie napędami, programowanie czy pomiary.

Wide development opportunities

MOBOT® eduRunner MW  is a compact and extremely functional design equipped with four omnidirectional wheel drives, next to which there are indicators, HMI touch panel, safety switch, function buttons and a 2D laser scanner with a safety function. For navigation, a laser terrain mapping system (LMS) is used for autonomous operation.

Small dimensions and weight allow the robot to be used in a variety of spaces. There are mounting plates on the robot's casing, to which the user can easily attach additional components, e.g. sensors. In the standard version MOBOT® eduRunner MW  is equipped with one 2D scanner, optionally it can be equipped with two 2D scanners. Additionally, it is possible to install a camera for line tracking and recognition of QR codes placed on the floor, as well as an optional RFID reader. The Mecanum wheel drive allows multidirectional movement and precise control and positioning of the robot.

Intuitive software

The MOBOT® RoutePlanner software is used to program the machine, the same as used in  MOBOT® AGV robots working in industry. RoutePlanner is used to configure the robot, map the surroundings, and using LMS laser navigation to program missions that the robot is to perform independently. The user, using the software, can create programs with the robot's route and tasks to be performed (e.g. arrival from a given place and measurement using a sensor located on the mounting plate), as well as manually control the robot using the computer keyboard and add route points, in which a certain action is to be carried out.

From mobile robot MOBOT® eduRunner MW  can implement various functions of the mobile robot in a modular way, from experiments with autonomous control , multidirectional control, through studying the behavior of a mobile robot equipped with an RFID reader, distance sensors, to inspection tasks and others.


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