Linear actuator L35BYZ-B04601B

A miniature actuator providing precise linear movement is one of the new series of linear step actuators available from the warehouse. The 35mm diameter stepper motor body contains instead of a classic rotor with an axis with a linearly movable threaded actuator stem. The resulting 75mm movement range consists of steps of 0.025mm resolution. The Actuator develops 55N at a speed of 100 pulses per second. The motor is powered as a conventional two-phase stepper motor with a phase current of 0.46A. The bipolar 4-phase winding of the motor phase has a rated voltage of 5V, impedance and inductance of 8.6mH, which allows dynamic control of the motor with a quilting controller. The motor has a mounting like a typical stepper motor of this size, and the threaded stem is ended with a standard M3 thread that makes it easier for the object to catch the object. Reinforced plastic guiding of the threaded spindle ensures its even and stable displacement. Linear actuator is used in household appliances, devices requiring small forces at small sizes and with a high level of motion. It is great for mobile and humanoid robots as an executive mechanism.